Pan Pac Grandstands
The 2014 Hancock Prospecting Pan Pacific Swimming Championships were held on Gold Coast last week. Fresh from the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Australia’s best swimmers took on the might of the USA, Japan, Canada and more at the new Gold Coast Aquatic Centre in Southport.
Clifton Productions, using around 20 semis of Layher gear, played a major role in the Overlay for the event, providing more than 3,500 seats; including the 2,000 seat, 18m high Western Grandstand, the Eastern Grandstand with 800m² cantilevered roof, 24m high broadcast lighting tower, commentary boxes, media positions, camera platforms, the huge Northern Wall with Score Board screens, the Main Entrance Arch, Public Access Stairs, a 200 seat pool deck Grandstand, and 576 grandstand seats that will remain permanently at the Aquatic Centre as a legacy for the 2018 Commonwealth Games.
“This is the first time in Australia, or the world I am told, that a temporary cantilever roof has been created over a grandstand of this capacity. This was possible due to the Layher Allround substructure used throughout. We utilised Allround Heavy Duty quad legs for supporting the huge loads required for the roof, and because the entire grandstand and roof support structure were made with Allround, it enabled us to achieve a 9m span off a 2.57m supporting bay. It had a very good test throughout the event, with winds blowing everyday over 50km/h and up to 75km/h…and it stood as solid as a rock”
Thank you to Jeremy Fleming, Clifton Productions for use of these photos.