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Instant Scaffolds

Swan Brewery birdcage

The award-winning (Champion Australasian Brewery 2004) Swan Brewery in Perth, originally established in 1857 and now part of the Lion Nathan group, is being upgraded. A new, more efficient vessel, a “Louter Tun”, is being installed, made by Krone in Germany, so they can brew a greater variety of beverages, including the local beers Emu and Swan and national brands Tooheys and Hahn that they already brew. Read more

Tall ship scaffolding

The STS Leeuwin II is a Western Australian tall ship that provides young people the challenge to develop the skills required to sail these vessels from yesteryear. Pictured above at Fremantle’s docks, Instant Scaffolds also faced a challenge: how to safely and efficiently provide access to allow for repair and maintenance work to the ship’s 20m masts. Read more